Monday, 28 February 2011

Egyptian stock exchange reopening delayed

The reopening of the Egyptian stock exchange has been delayed, the state-run news agency MENA has reported.

Trading had been expected to resume on Tuesday but the exchange is now due to reopen on Sunday, 6 March, MENA said.

The exchange has been closed for more than a month in the wake of anti-government protests.

Trading was suspended on 27 January after the benchmark Egyptian index saw heavy falls amid investor concerns about the unrest.

If the index falls by 6% or more then trading is halted for the session.
'No manipulating'

MENA said trading would resume on Sunday "in order to allow investors to profit from the backing of the government to guarantee the bourse's stability".

Some investors have demanded that trades made on the last two days of business on 26 and 27 January - when shares tumbled - should be cancelled.

About 100 investors demonstrated in front of the Cairo stock exchange on Sunday.

But the head of the exchange has rejected the calls.

"The public prosecutor has assured that there was no manipulating in the last week of trading [on the Egyptian bourse]," Khaled Serry Seyam said.


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